How we support you
Our main expertise is in the field of participatory and result-oriented governance. Supporting governments in achieving collective results, while including different stakeholders both within and outside of government. Our expertise lies in the following areas:
RESULTS: managing for results
Being result-oriented in the context of government is not an easy task. It requires a clear overview of well-defined results and an overall management approach designed to achieve those results. Aligning national and international goals (SDGs). We are specialised in adapting Result Based Management to the particular realities and organizational cultures in the Caribbean.
PARTICIPATION: engaging stakeholders and citizens
We live in a world where traditional democracy is under pressure and citizens are vocal about their concerns. It is therefore that in supporting government we actively involve relevant stakeholders (business, non-profit) and citizens in the process. Hereby we aim to use their unique knowledge to develop better policies. We do this through innovative methods, often using technology, but always creating a dialogue betweengovernment and its citizens.
CAPACITIES: Building capacities within government
Lasting change only happens when the proces is truly owned by the civil servants themselves. We always aim to foster long-term ownership within government for the implementation of respective policies or plans. We facilitate an evidence-based approach and support government actors to build effective partnership both within and outside the organisation.